(585) 563-6221 info@13thirty.org


Historically Underserved

The unique challenges and needs of adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with cancer have long been unrecognized and consequently, unmet. No longer children but often, not yet fully independent adults, AYAs are caught in the “great divide” between pediatric and adult medicine. This segment of cancer patients continues to experience serious gaps in age-appropriate, coordinated services and support.

Adolescents & YOung Adults in the U.S. diagnosed with cancer each year

more people are diagnosed in the second 15 years of life than the first

Lives interrupted

“You have cancer.”

This year, nearly 90,000 teens and young adults in the United States will hear the words, “You have cancer.” That’s 1 young person every 6 minutes whose life will be interrupted by this dreaded disease. AYAs have unique challenges which continue to be inadequately addressed, compounding the devastating impact of cancer:


  • Isolation
  • Loss of independence
  • Difficulty with personal relationships
  • Mental health struggles
  • Fertility/family planning concerns
  • Missed education/early career interruption
  • Financial toxicity
  • Late effects

Changing the Landscape

In the early 2000s, new data showing lagging survival improvement for patients ages 15-39 years spurred long needed action.

A grassroots effort, led by AYA survivors, resulted in the LIVESTRONG Young Adult Alliance, to which 13thirty Cancer Connect (then known as Melissa’s Living Legacy Teen Cancer Foundation) was invited to be a charter member. This pioneering group and others slowly began changing the landscape of care for AYAs with cancer.

Early-Onset Epidemic

The incidence of cancer in young people has been growing at an alarming rate over the last ten years and, as reported in a recent 2023 study, cancer in young adults, aged 3039, is growing by the largest percentage.

The increasing cancer burden among young adolescents and young adults, referred to as the “earlyonset cancer epidemic” in a 2022 report, caused the National Cancer Institute to consider this issue a research priority.

Connect With Us!

The mission of 13thirty Cancer Connect is to help teens and young adults with cancer live their very best lives – TODAY!

Contact Us

(585) 563 – 6221


1000 Elmwood Avenue
Rochester, NY 14620

1035 7th North Street
Liverpool, NY 13088