• 13thirty Threads: Do Your Life

    Do Your Life  – Vicki Ties It Together

    13thirty member, Jeremy (Hodgkin’s lymphoma) offers his advice to newly diagnosed teens and young adults.

    Looking back, there were many times during my cancer adventure when I couldn’t visualize a future. Not because I lived in fear, but because I lived and loved in the moment. I realized that on any given day the course of my life could be changed in an instant. 

    I began to look at my life and the world in front of me through a different lens, one that provided me clarity and purpose like nothing I had ever experienced. I realized that I want to be the person who remembers your birthday and goes all out to make it special. The one who gives her time freely and shares her gifts with the world. The person who always does her best despite how she feels. The one who loves purely, with her entire heart, without judgment or barriers. 

    As Jeremy said in his video, “You only regret the things in life you don’t do. So, give everything a shot.”  I have to say, he was spot on! 

    Do your life.

    Not the life to make someone else happy, not the life someone wishes for you, not the life someone expects of you. 

    Do your life. 

    Do it big, do it messy, do it bold, do it wrong, do it with humility, do it with grace.

    Do your life.

    Do it sideways and backwards, do it multi-colored, do it loud, do it quiet, do it epic, do it brave!

    Do your life. 

    The one you dream, imagine, hope for, the one you want with every fiber of your being. The one that brings you peace, makes you love better, laugh harder. Do the life you deserve!

    Own your life! 

    Until next time my dear friends. 

    Peace, love, and light.

    Be well,

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